Electric Scooter Kit QS Motor 2000W QS120 Mid Drive Motor with Votol EM100-4SP Controller and Kits for Electric Scooter
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Sales Contact: damon@siaecosys.com
Skype: Damon Wong(QSMOTOR)
We Chat: +86 18758618893
Key Features
1). Simplify to make a electric-scooter. Gearbox, transmission shaft, clutch are no need. Which save space.
2). It could be installed in the rear to save more space for battery.
3). Support regenerative braking
4). High efficiency: 85~92%
One set including below kit
1. 1pcs X QSMOTOR 2000W PMSM IPM mid drive motor with belt
2. 1pcs X Votol EM100-4SP sine wave motor controller with standard CAN-BUS
3. 1pcs X DKD LCD speedometer
4. 1pcs X Z6 throttle with combination switch

1. 1pcs X QSMOTOR 2000W PMSM IPM mid drive motor with sprocket design 428 14T sprocket
2. 1pcs X Votol EM100-4SP sine wave motor controller with standard CAN-BUS
3. 1pcs X DKD LCD speedometer
4. 1pcs X Z6 throttle with combination switch
Product Description
1. QSMOTOR 120 2000W Mid drive motor
Dimension Drawing:
Test report:
2. EM100-4sp sine wave motor controller
Dimension drawing:
Controller Wiring Definition:
Debugging cable:
3. DKD LCD speedometer, can-bus(optional, LIN as default)
It display D N R, P, S gear, and battery current X5/10.
P.s.: If the working battery doesn’t have can-bus communication, then the can-bus speedometer will shows lack of electricity always.
So, we suggest to do the speedometer as Line communication version if client can’t get can-bus battery.
Dimension drawing:
4. Z6 throttle with combination switch
With Reverse, Parking button( throttle on/off), 3 slide switch gear, s/boost button, Light and Horn.
It match with controller well.
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